Film quotes

21 Jan 2008

Cum ar arata anumite filme celebre daca ar fi facute de echipa 2ppg:

"Use the pula, luke!" -Star Wars (Use the force, luke!)
"I see puli" - The sixth sense (I see dead people)
"Say hello to my little pula" - Ceva cu al pacino parca (Say hello to my little friend)
"There is no pula" - Matrix (There is no spoon)
"The pula must be destroyed" - Lord of the rings (The ring must be destroyed)
"I love pula" - orice film cu vreo poveste de dragoste (I love you -Bleah)

Citatele sunt date din memorie, asa ca scuzati inexactitatea lor daca e cazul.

3 picioare in gard:

Onishka said...

cica 'I love pula' si headerul 'nu iubim pula'.

eu, cand va zic ca sunteti gay...

Morrigan said...

cauta in dictionar cuvantul "citat" si taci

Onishka said...

Get laid!